Wednesday, June, 26 2007 Posted: 2:50 PM EST (1250 GMT)
Hilton: I'm in love with Slippy Jenkins.
Cupertino, CA (HLN) – Controversial documentary
filmmaker Michael Moore is accusing Apple Inc. and AT&T
of using the iPhone to distract attention from his new movie
“Sicko”, which opens in US theaters on the same
day the hyped phone goes on sale.
“This is an appalling display of greed and jealousy,”
said Moore after a recent screening of his new movie. “Apple
and AT&T obviously don’t care about fixing America’s
healthcare system. They only care about how many iPhones
they’re going to sell.”
Moore’s film criticizes the American medical establishment
and suggests that it’s time for the country to consider
a universal health system such as those in Cuba, France and
In a speech to reporters, Michael Moore blasted Apple CEO
and longtime Democrat Steve Jobs for not postponing the iPhone’s
launch until after his movie is released.
“I don’t see how Steve Jobs can call himself a
‘liberal’ and then try to silence my film,”
said Moore. “Americans should be learning about our
corrupt healthcare system on Friday, but instead they’re
going to be lining up for a silly $600 dollar gadget.”
Apple may sell as many as 200,000 iPhones in the product's
first two days on the market after sales begin at 6 p.m. Friday
and as many as 3 million in the second half of the year, according
to the most optimistic analyst estimates.
The “Sicko” director also accused former Vice
President Al Gore, who sits on the board of directors at Apple
Inc., of trying to steer people away from the film.
"Al Gore has a vested self-interest in making sure my
film isn’t seen by the public,” said Moore.”
Not only will he profit if people spend their money on iPhones
instead of my film, he also doesn’t want my documentary
to overshadow his crusade against global warming.”